It’s a competitive world out there.
That’s why the School District of Pickens County has partnered with Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) to bring Adult Workforce Development offerings to our county.
Whether you’re in search of a new career or upgrading your skills, the EmpowerUp partnership can help. Employability skills, certifications, corporate training, and continuing education opportunities are now available in your own backyard.
The EmpowerUp partnership is being developed to offer a variety of fast, flexible, and locally-relevant training programs at the Pickens Career and Technology Center. These TCTC courses are specifically designed to promote and support adult student success, workforce development, our community, and our local economy. And we’re offering them at little to no cost to you.
Currently, we are offering these courses:
Classes will begin in January, but we’re offering an opportunity for you to learn more and start the processes to get funds lined up to help pay for these classes
EmpowerUp Open House
Monday, December 11, 2023
9-11 a.m. or 4-6 p.m.
Pickens County Career & Technology Center (990 Chastain Road, Liberty, SC 29657)
For more information, visit - www.tctc.edu/EmpowerUp